Don’t Target Us!

Don't Target Us!

. August 11, 2020

Join XR in supporting Little Village Environmental Justice Organization as they pressure Target to vacate its lease with Exchange55 and Hilco.

Don’t Target Us!

the Little Village community is sick of polluters profiting at our expense.

Thanks to a long and successful fight led by the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), two polluting coal plants in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago were forced to shut down. 

The neighborhood wants to redevelop the site of the coal plants for the community’s benefit. Instead the old coal plant site is set to become a warehouse and diesel truck hub (for Target), further eroding air quality in the area and adding insult to injury. Read more about the situation here.

#DontTargetUs #HellNoHilco  #FueraHilco  #LaVillitaRespira #Exchange55  #LoriLIEfoot #corporateirresponsibility

Don’t Target Us!

posting materials (ENGLISH) (SPANISH)


Pick a platform and post in solidarity. Find images, posting scripts, and hashtags in the document below. Additional information on the on-going campaign is contained within.

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No Double DAPL

No Double DAPL

. March 5th

On Thursday, March 5, members of Extinction Rebellion and other allied groups combined forces to protest and bring attention to Energy Transfer Partners’ application, to the Illinois Commerce Commission, to double the capacity of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) by increasing the number of pumping stations along its route.

no more fossil fuels

a funeral for mother earth

no double dapl, no more fossil fuels


Thursday, March 5th, 2020 a coalition of environmental groups combined forces to protest and bring attention to Energy Transfer Partners’ application to the Illinois Commerce Commission to double the capacity of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) by increasing the number of pumping stations along its route. Save Our Illinois Soil (SOIL), the Sierra Club, and other environmental groups have intervened against this request. Testimony by James Hansen and others has been presented detailing the risk of increasing surge pressures and the damage additional pipeline capacity does to the fight against global warming.

Extinction Rebellion rebels in Chicago, along with Rising Tide, SOIL, and the Sierra Club organized a press conference and theater action Funeral for Mother Earth. Susana Sandoval, of the Purepecha tribe, gave an offering and blessing  in solidarity with opponents of the Dakota Access oil pipeline expansion during the press conference. In the hearing room, all offered silent witness in support of SOIL and Sierra Club’s testimony. The hearing was standing room only. The press conference was well attended and provided coverage. The struggle continues!

learn more: #NODAPL