On-Going Campaigns & Outreach
(Please pardon construction. We’re crafting copy worthy of our amazing actions and allies!)
Short blurb on range of ways to be involved (actions, events, campaigns)
3.5% statistic blurb and the importance of continual outreach to building mass movements
On-Going Campaigns & Outreach:
Click on accordion section to open and learn more:
Help get the word out
If you know a group that would be interested in attending XR events or partnering with us, please hand out event information. The following links lead to downloadable flyers, which are pre-formatted to print four-to-a-page. (sample at right)
To talk with XR about partnering on events and activities, please reach out to ‘contact at xrchicago.org’ .

Paint the Streets
Paint the Streets
. Sept 23 +
Join XR in #PaintTheStreets* — an ongoing and international effort to build participation in the Extinction Rebellion and support XR’s demand for meaningful and just action on the climate crisis.
paint the streets . tell the truth
There are a number of ways for you to participate.

Use XR Chicago’s
print at home poster kit
Put them up around town on telephone posts, construction fences, coffee shop bulletin boards, in shop and home windows etc. using tape, a staple gun, wheatpaste etc. More designs from XR international here.
share your own art
to be on an XR poster.
Just add to this open-access folder and we’ll slot it into our template with XR’s info so we keep a consistent look city-wide. The best work may get shared with XR international! We encourage you to get inspiration from the many art resources on XR international’s website, including XR’s color palette.
Use XR’s starter
stencil or share your own.
Find stencil resources in the XR print at home poster kit. We recommend using a sharp x-acto and old wallpaper or transparent vellum to make stencils (print design and put underneath). Use spray chalk if you want to avoid law-breaking.* More designs here.
Put up stickers!
Get some at our meetings, actions or other events by finding Art Coordinators Jenny or Annie. Or make your own!
Stay tuned for an upcoming screen printing workshop for bigger posters, which can be wheat-pasted or slotted into bus stop advertisements.
Do your own thing!
Anyone is allowed and encouraged to act under the XR banner, as long as you are NON-VIOLENT and adhere to XR’s 10 principles and in service of our 4 demands. Check out the open-access inspiration folder and follow #PaintTheStreets to see what others have contributed worldwide!
When you put up a poster, stencil, sticker or something we haven’t dreamed up yet, share it on social media at @xrchicago and use (and follow!) the hashtags #PaintTheStreets #XRChicago and #ExtinctionRebellion. You can also tag us in an Instagram story and we’ll repost!
Get more involved in organizing for XR.
Let us know your interest in joining the Art Working Group by replying to contact@xrchicago.org with your interest.
How to wheat paste
Covid Crisis & Climate Crisis
Covid Crisis & Climate Crisis
. March 2020 on-going
Join XR in #rebelforlife #extinctionrebellion #earthday — an ongoing and international effort to build participation in the Extinction Rebellion and support XR’s demand for meaningful and just action on the climate crisis.
what do the covid crisis & climate crisis have in commmon?
spread the word (via socially distanced wheatpaste)

Use XR Chicago’s designs
Put them up around town on telephone posts, construction fences, coffee shop bulletin boards, in shop and home windows etc. using tape, a staple gun, wheatpaste etc. Spanish translations and versions for general XR posting forthcoming.
Use XR’s starter
stencil or share your own.
Find stencil resources in the XR print at home poster kit. We recommend using a sharp x-acto and old wallpaper or transparent vellum to make stencils (print design and put underneath). Use spray chalk if you want to avoid law-breaking.* More designs here.
Do your own thing!
Anyone is allowed and encouraged to act under the XR banner, as long as you are NON-VIOLENT and adhere to XR’s 10 principles and in service of our 4 demands. Check out the open-access inspiration folder and follow #PaintTheStreets to see what others have contributed worldwide!
When you put up a poster, stencil, sticker or something we haven’t dreamed up yet, share it on social media at @xrchicago and use (and follow!) the hashtags #PaintTheStreets #XRChicago and #ExtinctionRebellion. You can also tag us in an Instagram story and we’ll repost!
Get more involved in organizing for XR.
Let us know your interest in joining the Art Working Group by replying to contact@xrchicago.org with your interest.
How to wheat paste
Don’t Target Us!
Don't Target Us!
. August 11, 2020
Join XR in supporting Little Village Environmental Justice Organization as they pressure Target to vacate its lease with Exchange55 and Hilco.
Don’t Target Us!
the Little Village community is sick of polluters profiting at our expense.
Thanks to a long and successful fight led by the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), two polluting coal plants in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago were forced to shut down.
The neighborhood wants to redevelop the site of the coal plants for the community’s benefit. Instead the old coal plant site is set to become a warehouse and diesel truck hub (for Target), further eroding air quality in the area and adding insult to injury. Read more about the situation here.
#DontTargetUs #HellNoHilco #FueraHilco #LaVillitaRespira #Exchange55 #LoriLIEfoot #corporateirresponsibility

If you’re interested in getting involved or know a group that would be interested in learning more, we’d love to elaborate on our approach, agenda, and welcome new members and collaborators into the fold.
To see about scheduling a talk please reach out to ‘contact at xrchicago.org’ .