Extinction Rebellion Chicago is part of the global Extinction Rebellion (XR) group and is dedicated to non-violent direct action to force governments to act to halt global warming. XR is currently active in more than 30 cities across the U.S. and dozens of countries around the world! See the map below.
This spring was Extinction Rebellion’s first try for coordinated global action. April 15 was XR’s International Week of Rebellion and XR UK shut down central London for more than a week. The UK Parliament declared a Climate Emergency by unanimous consent on May 1.
US action roundup from for the spring Week of Rebellion can be found here. There’s a global action roundup here. XR Chicago had a 4/12 action blocking the Energy Forward Conference (see here and here) and a 4/15 event at Thompson Center (see here, here, here and here).
Check our Facebook page for upcoming Extinction Rebellion Chicago events!
Find XR Chicago on Twitter and Instagram!
Check our BLOG for the latest posts!
Check ExtinctionRebellion.us, the website of all U.S. Extinction Rebellions groups.
XR started in the UK last fall. Last November 17, more than 5,000 shut down central London for a number of hours by blockading bridges across the Thames (see here and here). Here’s a Guardian video about the London action. XR and climate nonviolent direct action was quickly endorsed by movement and intellectual leaders like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Bill McKibben. There was extensive press coverage, including this story by the BBC.
XR got going in NYC in December and has spread across the US, including starting in Chicago in January.
Map of Extinction Rebellion Groups Around the World

XR London occupation of the Marble Arch (photo from Financial Times)