We are mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, daughters and allies around the world. We know that those least responsible for the climate crisis are also the most impacted. We believe in the power of mothers and caregivers to demand climate justice.
Mothers’ Rebellion is a movement of women in a growing global community including Germany, Sweden, Uganda, The United States and Zambia. We will not give up the fight for a sustainable present and future for the current and coming generations. We want to be able to look our children into the eyes and say that we truly do all that we can. We turn our grief and frustration over the lack of a powerful, transformative response from our politicians and leaders into action. Learn more
The method we use in our demonstrations is simple. It is a circle of mothers* sitting down together in a public space, for example in a pedestrian street, a public park or outside a government building. We sit peacefully facing the passers-by, helping ourselves and others to connect with our climate emotions. We often hold signs with the names of our children or other messages related to the climate crisis. With our circles we convey that we refuse to look away, that we refuse to give up and that we will do everything we can.
GLOBAL demonstration
may 13, 2023
On the 13th of May, mothers and allies will unite all over the world in a synchronized demonstration for climate justice. Take the opportunity to start your own circle at this time, or join an existing group. Together we are stronger—let’s let our politicians and leaders know what we want from them!
Learn more, get current updates, and get involved via our sign-up link.